venerdì 11 marzo 2016

speciale MR. ROBOT

in italia stanno facendo vedere MR. ROBOT

Mr. Robot è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere drammatico-thriller, creata dallo sceneggiatore Sam Esmail e trasmessa dall'emittente USA Network dal 24 giugno 2015. La serie ha avuto un ottimo seguito di pubblico, e ciò ha permesso al produttore, USA Network, di rinnovare la serie con una seconda stagione prevista per il giugno 2016[1]. L'episodio pilota è diretto dal regista di Uomini che odiano le donne, Niels Arden Oplev.

per chi fosse interessata/o di quello che elliot usa nella serie ecco qui..

elliot usa kali linux da usare nel vostro pc oppure da provare con virtualbox o vmware player scaricate la iso e installate
elliot inoltre non usa il logo di kali linux ma uno sfondo alternativo
se volete usare vbox create una nuova macchina con ubuntu64

per altri software che usa come scanner bluetooth ecc nella serie vi lascio le varie descrizioni
in inglese

Canbus Hacking

Car hacking has really hit the big time recently after computer security researchers remotely hacked into and took control of a Jeep as it was driving down the freeway. Canbus hacking has been around for a number of years and both car enthusiasts and security researchers have been poking around to gain access to the computers that control the modern car.

In the screen shot from Mr Robot we can see candump, one of the Linux utilities used for viewing the canbus messages.

USB in the car park

We see in this scene one of the few Windows desktops shown - during this scene a security guard inserts a USB drive found in the car park into his system infecting his Windows XP machine with malware. Leaving infected USB flash drives in the car park of the target organization is a well known trick to get code onto a system where network access is limited. In this instance the malware is caught by AVAST anti-virus.

Bluetooth Scanner (btscanner)

btscanner is used here to probe the targets phones for bluetooth capabilities. The tool attempts to extract as much information as possible from a Bluetooth device without having to pair. The btscanner program is included in the Kali Linux distribution and we can see from the title bar of the window that it is the operating system being used here.


In this screenshot bluesniff can be seen, this is another tool for attacking bluetooth enabled devices. In this screen shot the actual plan here is to perform a man in the middle attack against the targets bluetooth keyboard. With keyboard access the next move is to drop a Meterpreter shell onto the system for access to the target network.

Metasploit Framework (Meterpreter)

In this shot we can see a few lines from a Meterpreter shell. Anyone who has used this tool knows a little bit of Meterpreter goes a long way so there was no need for an extensive shot of this powerful tool. Part of the Metasploit penetration testing framework by Rapid7, a Meterpreter shell gives an attacker full control of the target system as well as the ability to move around the network.

Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)

The Social Engineer Toolkit Social Engineer Toolkit or SET is a framework that makes setting up social engineering attacks easier. Email based spear phishing attacks, fake websites and wireless access points can all be launched through its menu system. In this case they are using the SMS spoofing module.

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